
The following services are offered at the University of Santo Tomas Herbarium.
- Herbarium curation
- Accession and storage of plant herbarium
- Authentication/verification of plant names
- Identification of plant specimens
- Training on herbarium curation and database management
Guidelines for requesting services:
- Get "Request for Services" Form (Green Form) from the RCNS Office (Rm 201) and fill up the appropriate blanks. (Note: check the green form for the other services offered by the RCNS)
- Bring plant specimen/s to the herbarium at the specified time (see schedule below).
- Plant specimens must have the following:
- Branch with leaves, flowers/fruits (for trees and shrubs).
- The whole plant with leaves, flowers and roots (for herbs).
- Bits and pieces of the plant (like one to four leaves, or one fruit, etc) are not accepted. It should be as previously specified.
- For plants collected on field:
- Meticulously flatten out the plant in between sheets of newspapers before placing it inside a plastic bag.
- Pour denatured alcohol all over the specimen before sealing the bag. This is to preserve the plants especially if it will be days before it gets processed in the laboratory.
- You'll be asked to fill up a Field Label asking for the common name, morphological characteristics, place of collection, date of collection, etc. Please be ready with your notes.
- Once the plants have been assessed, return to the RCNS office for the cost of service then proceed to the Accounting Office (2nd flr, Main Bldg) for payment.
- You may get the Authentication Certificate (see sample) after a week. Please bring the receipt and request form.
- MON, WED AND FRI: 1-5pm